Immigration Corner | Can I work in Canada without a work permit? Dear Miss Powell, Can someone work in Canada without a work permit? I hear of so many people with a visitor’s visa that go there and work. Can you tell me what types of job you can get without a work permit? – A.A. Dear A.A., You must have a work permit to work in Canada. If you work in Canada after you enter as a visitor, without authorisation to do so, you run the risk of being deported and barred from re-entering. Additionally, the employer who breach this rule could face serious penalties. There are only a few circumstances that the government of Canada has permitted individuals to work without the need to apply for separate work permit. These types of jobs are exempted from work permit. REQUEST CONSULTATION EXEMPTED WORK Some positions may not require a work permit when the employment is short term and must be on the list of exempted work. Students are exempted from seeking a separate work permit to work on or off