Dear Ms Powell, I was on vacation in the United States (US) and my family decided to visit our relatives in Toronto, Canada. I wasn't driving, but when I got to the border the immigration officer denied me entry. They said they have evidence of me driving under the influence in the US. I have a valid Canadian visitor's visa and a US visitor's visa. I used to go to school in the States and I was charged in the States for driving under the influence (DUI), but that was years ago. I can't believe they refused to allow me into the country when I have a valid visa. I was forced to leave the car and find a hotel to stay until my family returned. Can I appeal this? What can I do? I don't want this to happen to me again. This is totally embarrassing and I don't want this trouble again. The US did not prevent me from entering, so why is Canada penalising me for something that happened in the US years ago? - Distressed Dear Distressed, Once someone has a crim