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Showing posts from August, 2015

Opportunities in Quebec

Dear Ms Powell, I've been reading your column since 2012 and I must say thank you for shedding so much light on the Canadian immigration system. I notice, however, that most times you say that a programme is not open to persons who want to move to Quebec. Does that mean that there are no skilled-worker programmes for persons who are interested in Quebec? - G.M. Dear G.M., The province of Quebec has several options for citizens of other countries to become permanent residents. This is separate from opportunities available for permanent residence for other provinces under the express entry system. Not only is Quebec a very beautiful province, the government of Quebec is always seeking to implement programmes to attract immigrants who can contribute towards the growth and development of the province. There are many immigration programmes accessible to persons interested in Quebec. For example, there are opportunities for temporary and permanent workers, students, famil

I Want My Mom With Me In Canada

Dear Ms Powell, I am Jamaican born and I recently got permanent residence in Canada. My mother is now alone in Jamaica and I want her to come to live with me. I heard that I can apply for a 'super visa' for her to come and stay with me for up to five years at a time. Can she work when she comes? How do I apply for the super visa for my mom? OM Dear OM, Parents and grandparents of Canadian permanent residents or citizens can apply for a super visa to visit their children and grandchildren for a period in excess of six months at a time provided that both the applicant and the sponsor are able to satisfy the requirements of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Under this programme, the applicant will be expected to be a visitor only and not work without a valid work permit during the time that he is visiting. If your mother would like to work, she will need to apply for a work permit and satisfy the work permit requirements. A super visa does not grant you permissi

Immigration Corner: What's The Best Way To Get To Canada?

Dear Ms Powell, I have been working as a customer service representative at a bank for the past four years and I would like to move to Canada. I tried applying under the express entry programme, and when I did the online assessment, it said I was ineligible. Someone said it's because even though I have seven subjects, I wouldn't qualify as I don't have a degree or diploma. She said if I study in Canada, I might be able to get citizenship that way. Is this true? How do I apply to study in Canada and become a citizen? - TP Dear TP, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has made several changes over the last 12 months to their policies and procedures dealing with applications for study permits and have introduced the highly competitive express entry system. This new system is based on individuals' scores using factors such as age, education, experience, language ability, and adaptability. Citizens of other countries may be granted the right to become permanen