Permanent residence in six months! - News - Jamaica Gleaner - Tuesday | November 25, 2014 Dear Miss Powell, I wanted to apply under the Federal Skilled-Worker Programme this year, however, by the time I was ready to submit my application, I realised that I was too late to apply as a skilled worker as they were not accepting any more applications under my occupation. I'm very disappointed as I was looking forward to relocating as soon as possible. Are there any other ways that I can move to Canada and find gainful employment? - KI Dear KI, I'm sorry that you were not able to submit your application in time under the Federal Skilled Worker Programme (FSWP). Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada ( IRCC), formerly Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has been receiving applications under the FSWP all year, and there is a limit to the number of applications they will accept under any one occupation. The cap was reached for computer programmers, intera